Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Florida Parenting Plans: 5 More Areas to Consider

Some additional areas to consider in your parenting plan include:
  • Insurance coverage – Which parent will provide it? What are the criteria for reevaluating coverage? How will co-pays and deductibles be divided? What happens if you disagree on a procedure? What about life insurance coverage to secure child support and/or alimony payments? For older children, will there be a cost split for the additional auto insurance premium that the custodial parent will face?
  • Transportation – Where is the exchange point? What are the details of transportation between the two homes? Who is driving? What time? If you use the school as the exchange point, what happens when school is not in session?
  • Relocation – Under what circumstances will the custodial parent be able to move away with the child? (If you don’t decide this now, you will have to follow the procedures of Fla. Statute 61.13001.)
  • Education – Who will attend school conferences and how will parents receive notice? How will the non-custodial parent receive school information? How will extra school or tutoring fees be divided? How will private school tuition be paid and for how long? Although not required, do you both agree to cover college costs for your child? If so, what is included in “college costs?”
  • Religious Affiliation and Training – Is there agreement to raise the children in a specific faith? How will the costs associated with religious affiliation and education be paid? What is the transportation plan? Are you both agreeing that the child will attend certain religious events or education, regardless of whose parenting time is used? Will these decisions be delegated to the parent who feels this area is more important? If so, will that affect the cost sharing in any way?
Your parenting plan should reflect your family's unique circumstances. There's no magic list of areas or visitation schedules to include in your parenting plan. Think about your family's situation, values and lifestyle to determine the areas to include in your Florida parenting plan.