Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Personality, stress, and children

There has long existed a difference in how individuals cope with stress, trauma and loss.  How can siblings raised in the same household, with the same parents, similar opportunities and socioeconomic backgrounds, grow into such vastly different individuals?  Certainly personality traits and characteristics play a part, but where does resilience fit in the equation?  Why are some individuals more resilient to stressful situations than others? Are we able to build resilience in our children?
According to Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg in the article Building Resilience in Children (Healthy Living, Nov. 2012) there are 7 C’s of resilience.  They are:

    1.     Competence
    2.     Confidence
    3.     Connection
    4.     Character
    5.     Contribution
    6.     Coping
    7.     Control

Helping your children develop theses competencies may help them better cope with the stressors they will face in life.


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