Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Summer camp and children of divorce.

My son loves to go to overnight summer camp, it's a great experience for him, he gets away, and he hangs out with guys. As my son lives with all women,and his father doesn't make the attempt to see him but a few times a year, I feel it is important for my son to be around "the guys". As a mother I will do anything to make sure my children are well taken care of and have opportunities to experience life. I have taken on more hours at work in order to be able to pay for my son to go to overnight summer camp. How is it that my x husband calls it a luxury that he is not willing to pay for? I would understand if my x husband was working full time, paying child support, doing his best for the children, and just couldn't afford it. But I have an x husband who works part time when he does work, doesn't pay what he is court ordered to pay, and doesn't care if his son sits at home or goes to camp. I guess I have always had the mind set that I will provide for my children to the best of my ability. I don't think everyone was cut out to be a parent, unfortunately, most of the time it is not recognized until it is to late. In the end, the children suffer and this "so called parent" has no idea how they have negatively impacted the life of a child. What are other peoples experiences?