It's an all too common scenario when the parties think that to save money they will go to a paralegal or go to a document preparation company to get the forms and do their divorce themselves. Unfortunately when a problem arises or something did not go as planned the paralegal or document preparer can not offer by law any legal advice. The do it yourselfer is now left to wonder what to do.
Another common scenario arises when the do it yourselfer has completed their divorce and believes since it was accepted and processed that everything is fine. While it may be fine and done correctly, there are countless other times that the problems only arise years later when legal rights are affected by the mistake in some paperwork that was submitted or not submitted to the court.
Divorces that are completed without attorneys can be a problem. If a spouse does not complete the paperwork correctly, it can leave you liable for expenses held jointly with their ex-spouse. And sometimes after a divorce, one or both of the parties will remarry, move, etc. This is where the problem regarding the divorce paperwork will appear.
Sometimes paying an attorney can save you money in the long run (even with an uncontested divorce). This is because you learn your rights, receive guidance, and learn what to expect. For couples who can’t agree on anything, legal representation is crucial. Websites that show you how to complete the paperwork yourself make it look easy, but the reality is that the forms for dissolving marriage can become overwhelming. Also, many of these websites are not staffed by divorce lawyers, but by legal assistants.
If there are any legal questions you may have, I encourage you to, please contact my San Jose Divorce Lawyers office. My San Jose Family Lawyer offices assists many people who are going through family law related issues. We have many Affordable San Jose Divorce Lawyer solutions for many different budgets. We help many individuals through this very chaotic period in their life. Proudly serving the following cities, Fremont, Milpitas, Los Gatos, Cupertino, Mountain View, and Santa Clara.