1. You need to know
You need to know their rights, duties and responsibilities under the law. Only a lawyer who has been selected to represent your interests, you can suggest. How can one really discuss the financial arrangements for the separation and divorce, if you do not know? Your rights, obligations and responsibilities of not knowing your rights can lead to their assets is not always fair, a fair share of support, or the share of time with their children. Do not know what the duties and responsibilities, do you pay more than your share of the assets, or the share of aid. Most lawyers offer special rates for consulting services to encourage people to seek advices early and often. There is no reason to rely on the advice of garden fence, where you learn real consultation with a divorce lawyer and qualified to get a reasonable price. Furthermore, in my experience the garden fence Usually advices is not the case. Remember, if what you hear is half true, it does not exist.
2. Backyard suggestions
My friend Divorced. Why can not I rely on my friends experience and knowledge. Well, you can do it, but what you must understand that if your friend is a licensed attorney, he / she is not entitled to practice law. Did you know your friend his / her specialized experience is limited. Restrict his / her experience with the law to the facts of his / her case and the law Stood at the time. Everything changes. Changes in the law. Any change in the facts to influence the outcome or suggestions. In addition, changes in the law is to change the board. My friend just did not have enough knowledge and experience to provide practical legal advices either.
3. Identifying the problem
The sooner you get an attorney, the sooner you learn what you need to know to Protect Themselves (and their children and property interests) Necessary. Sometimes people do not know how. "Friendly Divorce" on the identification of the problem, they should go to discuss, even if the division of the world and the hope Well, an experienced divorce attorney can help you identify issues that you should discuss with your partner in order to Achieve an inclusive and comprehensive solutions. Over the years there were many times where we were first in both the customer and can ignore the issues that should be included in the debate, such as life insurance, health and educational needs of children.
4. For share or not to share?
My wife is a lawyer. I really need to even have one? It can not represent us as a lawyer? Answer: No, not really. 30 years ago, when I started as a lawyer, is strictly an attorney to represent both parties to a divorce as a "friendly" him. There are some limited circumstances in roomates dual representation may be permitted, Provided full disclosure to avoid potential conflicts of interest and you. Conflict with the consent of both parties is limited and the situation should arise in the event of a dispute or a dispute unfortunate lawyers need to complete the presentation, and the two sides must find a new lawyer. Frankly, we rarely, if ever, agree to dual representation. We represent our clients in a vibrant representation of law and conflict of the Opposing party, is too obvious for us to agree. Not only that, but if your partner has a lawyer, it means that he / she is seeking legal advices and have a basic understanding of his / her rights, duties and responsibilities under the law.
5. Do you feel lucky?
Go to the court in anticipation of divorce without a lawyer, like playing Russian roulette. To what extent do you think? Do you operate on yourself, or you are looking to find a qualified surgeon? Why do you think you know enough to represent you in court? Know your rights, duties and responsibilities? Judge will not help you if you do not know what you're doing. There are rules of evidence and rules of procedure for the hearing. You need someone on your team that knows the rules. You need someone to help you prepare for your testimony in court, so you do not have your foot in your mouth. To you be your hip bone is connected to The Things that came out of his mouth in court. We recently spoke to a man who suffered from a shared commitment and child $ 4000 per month. The court ruled the woman exhibits filed disability lawyers and based on what he said in open court that his income was not true. The court qualified attorney can tell you that Things are not meaningful, especially if you do not prepare yourself for your testimony.
6. too little, too late
Go see a lawyer after already signed the documents or deposition or hearing pro se (that) way. Closing the barn door after the cow Just because it is free does not mean your self from a bad decision or a bad thing you have done or judgment., If you are a lawyer Time for advices before you sign up. The time for consultation to go to court. In fact, you need the advice as soon as you receive official notification of the complaint against you received.
7. Lawyers reason?
I know a lawyer who has been the closure of our house. I could not go with him / her for advices about separation and divorce? Yes, you can, but they said that if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Do you want up to become a podiatrist (foot doctor) to go if you have an eye infection? You can, after all, a podiatrist went to medical school and learn about the body, Including the eyes. The question is how much, if any, he / she can remember, he / she is in the medical literature on the eye and infection? Including the diagnosis and treatment of eye I see a separation agreement that does not destroy the attorney, either Because a large part of my practice of family law is designed to pay, but try relationships or contacts, if Necessary. In fact, should the lawyer when he / she Believes he / she has the knowledge and experience to deal with it, or he / she will acquire The Necessary knowledge to manage.
8. Prabayar Law?
If you are paying for this service, of course you can talk to a lawyer. But when a divorce lawyer experienced with a significant portion of his / her practice to separation and divorce and related issues are given, you should seriously consider the views on prepay. Lawyers wrote a book or article on the subject have been published related to the division or divorce? I am not a lawyer INVOLVED in the pre-paid legal plan. Top divorce lawyer is not a party, "prepaid" law. As far as I know there are people (members) of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in prepaid legal services plan. If you read this report and I have heard the personal knowledge of an attorney, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and also paid the legal requirements, please contact us @ valawtalk justice. com, and the name of the attorney, so we can verify this information and to update this report.
9. A ship must Navigator
If you think in your case, the ship, the master and the attorney client is the client browser. Browser does not decide where to go, but he / she made the cards on course to Achieve your goals. Divorce is difficult, even "friendly" divorce is not easy. It can be an emotional roller coaster. Your emotional support, psychological and legal. If selected for separation and divorce, your decisions that Affect you, your spouse and your children, are faced, not only today but also in the future. Passions can run hot during this difficult time, and you need a clear mind. You have a group of people, Including someone who is knowledgeable in the law of divorce, to see Cleary and navigate in difficult waters and sometimes angry separation and divorce.
10. Issues reason why you need a lawyer
You go through a traumatic experience. Divorce is one of the most difficult experiences in life. Second after the death of your spouse need someone who understands what it's about and advocate for your best interests not only knowledge and experience, but the passion and feeling. When you ask why they are practicing family law attorney, and that they are motivated to encourage customers. What makes them passionate followers? I recently spoke with other trial lawyers, who typically do not handle divorce work. Usually not criminal and traffic and civil action for damages, he told me that he had been challenged to bring divorce weak economy. Divorce and family law is not the first choice of judicial experience. Doing it for the money now. Is that motivation that you have in your lawyer Or do you prefer a lawyer who made the conscious decsion to concentrate on family law and use his / her life experiences, how do know what it means to be a child? Divorce with circumstances of your case and defend you with passion and conviction.